Global Dengue Transmission Map
MRC Centre Imperial College London Johns Hopkins University of Florida

Select country and/or region to visualise
ADM1 Region

Annual Transmission Intensity

Age at which Target Seroprevalence reached

Seroprevalence at Selected Age

Data Type
Data Type
No. Serotypes
Epidemiological Estimates
Annual Transmission Intensity

The first dengue vaccine (CYD-TDV, Dengvaxia) has been licensed for use in children over 9 years of age in several countries. The World Health Organization (WHO), recommends countries consider vaccination only in areas (national or subnational) with high endemicity corresponding to a seroprevalence of ≥70% in the target age group. Vaccination is not recommended where seroprevalence is <50%. (Further information also available here.)

What the maps show
  • The maps show estimates of seroprevalence and are for illustrative purposes. They should not be used as a standalone decision making tool.
  • The wider the uncertainty interval, the less certain we are about the estimate
  • Estimates are visualised at the ADM1 region and are averaged across the region. There will be variability within each region.
  • Only countries where data were available to the study are visualised. This does not mean that dengue is necessarily absent in other countries. The study team welcomes additional data that can be used for new country estimates. Please contact